DnB Forum | Drum and Bass Forum

Welcome to the all new Different Drumz DnB Forum community where you can get involved with a wide range of posts from our members and visitors on various topics including general chat, dnb news, new mixes, free downloads, music production tips, funny videos, events, competitions and much more…  If you would like to add youtube videos, soundcloud tracks & playlists or other media to your posts, simply post the link and our drum and bass forum will do the rest 😉 Happy posting!


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I need your feedback!


I recently started doing my own things and I am still learning. I'd be pleased if you guys checked out my first track and gave me an opinion. Criticism is pretty welcome.

It is not finished and mix and master to do, but i want to know if a direction is right or i should quit this shit and find another hobby 😀


dnb forum | drum and bass forum 

Different Drumz | DnB Forum | Drum and Bass Forum| www.differentdrumz.co.ukrum