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Liquid Drum & Bass 4 Autism Presents: Pioneers, Legends & Icons of Liquid Drum & Bass Music

Pioneers, Legends & Icons of Liquid Drum & Bass MusicLike fine wine that improves in flavor and increases in value over time, this unprecedented musical release featuring 30-year pioneer drum & bass producer Big Bud teamed up with the legendary Furney and drum & bass icon A Sides, will last the tests of time as not only a classic but as one of the most memorable drum & bass compilation albums of its time.

Fittingly and in remarkably similar spirit, the beloved drum & bass MC/lyricist Tali makes a musical appearance in a cross collaboration with A Sides, singing her smash hit 'Rise To The Top'. So, put on your most comfortable dancing shoes, open that bottle of wine you've been saving, set the EQ/bass levels to your liking and enjoy this musical masterpiece.

What are some people saying about this release?

LTJ BUKEM: 'Wicked tunes'

Grammy-nominated artist Jay Cappo a.k.a. DJ Stunna - 'Another great album of refined DNB'

*LDNB4Autism is a 501c3 non-profit organization, as 100% of all sales and streams donated to students and teachers for autism research. Your support is deeply appreciated.

This release is available to stream and download from all major digital stores and streaming sites from 31st May 2024

Pre-Order / Buy This Release

Juno Download | Beatport

Useful Links

Liquid Drum & Bass 4 Autism Album Release Party | Donate Now | Liquid DnB 4 Autism Website | Liquid DnB 4 Autism Soundcloud | Liquid DnB 4 Autism Facebook

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