DnB Forum | Drum and Bass Forum

Welcome to the all new Different Drumz DnB Forum community where you can get involved with a wide range of posts from our members and visitors on various topics including general chat, dnb news, new mixes, free downloads, music production tips, funny videos, events, competitions and much more…  If you would like to add youtube videos, soundcloud tracks & playlists or other media to your posts, simply post the link and our drum and bass forum will do the rest 😉 Happy posting!


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Website Suggestions...

We are always striving to improve the website here at Different Drumz, if you can think of anything we can do to make the Different Drumz website better, easier to use/navigate or you have an idea of something you think we could add to the site then please let us know!

We value your opinion and are happy to implement any changes to the site that we can to make your DDz experience the best it can be...

We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Its your Different Drumz


Different Drumz - The Drum & Bass Specialists

dnb forum | drum and bass forum 

Different Drumz | DnB Forum | Drum and Bass Forum| www.differentdrumz.co.ukrum