DnB Forum | Drum and Bass Forum

Welcome to the all new Different Drumz DnB Forum community where you can get involved with a wide range of posts from our members and visitors on various topics including general chat, dnb news, new mixes, free downloads, music production tips, funny videos, events, competitions and much more…  If you would like to add youtube videos, soundcloud tracks & playlists or other media to your posts, simply post the link and our drum and bass forum will do the rest 😉 Happy posting!


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New Different Drumz DnB Chat Room!

As always we are striving to make things better for our artists and visitors here at Different Drumz so we have now added a brand dnb chat room to the website. This new chat should be much more user friendly on both desktop computers and mobiles too and you can now log in with facebook, twitter, chatroll or even your forum profile if you have joined this profile... what are you waiting for.. go and check it out and feel free to let us know in here is you have any feedback or suggestions! 😉

Click here to view the all new Different Drumz DnB Chat Room

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dnb forum | drum and bass forum 

Different Drumz | DnB Forum | Drum and Bass Forum| www.differentdrumz.co.ukrum